Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Still here, but not much to tell

Hi there,
I`m still here, but have had some busy days at work. Don`t get much done at home because I`m too tired. A little bit of knitting and some reading is all, no sewing. But some housekeeping of course, it have to be done. Not much fun to do it, but a nice feeling when it`s done.

Monday the sewing sisters met at Ingers place, it was fun, as always. A lot of laughter and some knitting done. And some planning; we discussed what to make for our christmas sale. More about that later.

Tomorrow I hope my son will go back to school. He`s had a bad cold and has stayed at home for three days. I just hope I won`t be ill too.

Will not be any sewing this weekend because we`re visiting my parents. Hopefully some knitting and may be some stitching. Hope to have some pictures to share when we get back.

Se you later......

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